Level 1 - 'Introductory Course in Diving Medicine: Fitness to Dive'

WhatAn international faculty of physicians and scientists specializing in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine has been assembled to present the 7th CSA Z275 Level 1 Introductory Course in Diving Medicine: Fitness to Dive.

Where: The course will be held in Summerside, PEI at the Atlantic Commercial Diving Centre (ACDC), 100 Industrial Crescent, Summerside, PEI C1N 5N6.

When: This 5-day course will take place from 12-16 May 2025. The course has a maximum course load of 18 participants and will include occupational tours and site visits.

PrerequisitesA Physics Pre-Instruction Package (PIP) will be sent out to course participants at the time of registration. As there is not enough time to teach the entirety of diving physics and gas laws during the course, all participants must complete this diving physics package prior to arriving on the course. There will be a brief 1-hr review lesson the first morning of the course for any questions.

Accommodations: Summerside is the 2nd largest town on Prince Edward Island with a population of 16,000 people. A corporate rate of $199 + tax per night has been negotiated with the new Microtel Inn & Suites at 515 Notre Dame St. in Summerside. This includes a hot daily breakfast, WiFi, parking and full access to the recreational facility next door with a large swimming pool, sauna and gym. The Microtel Inn is located a 1 km walk from the Dive School, and during inclement weather, transportation will be arranged from the hotel for those without vehicles. Call (902) 918-0410 and book under Group ID: Undersea Medicine Canada. You can visit their website at:


Cost: The cost for the Level 1 is course will be $1,750.00 CDN, which includes 15% GST (sorry, the government gets its share…). All course materials, tours/site visits and transportation are included in the fees, as well as accreditation/CME credits (see below), a morning coffee break and snack, and catered daily lunches.

Pre-Course Seminar: Although no previous knowledge in diving medicine is required for the Level 1 course, there are significant differences in the level of knowledge and/or experience that course participants arrive with. Some have no background in diving medicine, diving physics or gas laws, while others are avid recreational divers or have taken previous Level 1 courses and are re-certifying (if required for their job or their province’s rules and regulations). Although the material taught is aimed at participants with little to no knowledge of the subject, there are frequently a number of very knowledgeable and experienced physicians taking the course which often drives the depth of questions and conversations. This has led to some ‘deer in the headlights’ moments for participants who do not have the same degree of knowledge and experience. Finding a way to bridge this gap has been mentioned in past course evaluations.

As a result, we will be holding an optional ½ day pre-course ‘Overview of Diving’ on Sun, 11 May 2025 from 10 am – 3 pm at the Atlantic Commercial Diving Centre for an additional $125 fee; this also includes 15% GST and lunch. Topics will include: definitions/diving terminology, types and range of diving, an in-depth introduction to diving physics and gas laws, an overview of diving physiology and pathophysiology, and recommendations for additional reading. The setting will be more relaxed and there will be ample time for questions.

Accreditation: Upon successful completion of this course, physicians will qualify as a CSA Z275.2-15 Level 1 Diving Medical Examiner and can have their name listed with the Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC) to conduct commercial diver medicals in Canada. In addition, all past Level 1 Introductory Courses in Diving Medicine have been accredited by the Canadian College of Family Physicians for 35 MAINPRO+ CME credits. Accreditation for this course is currently underway using the new College rules. The CCFP course ID number will be provided as soon as it is available. Cross-over CME credits are also available from the Royal College.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Debbie Pestell at drdeb1@ns.sympatico.ca, or by phone at: (902) 225-8214. Finally, our new updated website will have a ‘members only’ section where copies of the course lectures, additional course materials and scientific papers, course photos and videos will be available. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you bring a laptop with you for review and study purposes before the course exam. The exam will be held on Friday afternoon, the last day of the course, so please do not book flights home until after 18.00h on Fri, 16 May 2025.

Course schedule (draft)